Czy możesz dać szczeniakowi fitokannabinoidy?

Can you give your puppy phytocannabinoids?

Yes, your puppy can take CBD or CBG oil and don't worry, it won't make your puppy "high". Oils with phytocannabinoids for animals are THC-free and do not have psychoactive properties. In addition, oil with phytocannabinoids has a very low level of toxicity. This is good news and means your new puppy can't overdose on CBD pet products.

Now if you're wondering how much phytonutrients you can give your puppy, the answer is 0.5 to 1.5 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. Depending on the reason for use, you can give the full dose at once or divide it and use it twice a day.

When introducing the best phytonutrient oil into your puppy's health program, there are two important things to consider:

Since young puppies have sensitive stomachs, it is a good idea to start supplementing with small amounts. This will give your puppy time to adjust to the new supplement and prevent stomach upset.
Do not exceed the recommended dose. Although phytonutrients are non-toxic, higher doses increase the risk of adverse reactions and potential side effects, which we will discuss in a moment.
Pet owners should consult a veterinarian before using products with phyto ingredients. We recommend finding a veterinarian who knows the effects of phytonutrients, will discuss this topic with you and answer any questions related to supplementation.

Are phytocannabinoids safe for puppies?

Yes, phytonutrient-rich oil is safe for puppies. Based on preliminary research, the World Health Organization states that "there is no potential for abuse or addiction in animals using phytocannabinoids." The reports also mention CBD and CBG "as generally well tolerated, with a good safety profile." The same note states that CBD and CBG products may be helpful for "a range of conditions, from anxiety to nausea."

Simply put, when it comes to supplementing with phytonutrients, there are no age restrictions, and phytonutrients are completely safe and health-promoting for young puppies, just as they are for adults and older dogs. The correct dosage combined with responsible use provides various health benefits and will improve your overall health.

To reap the therapeutic benefits of phytocannabinoids, you must use high-quality supplements. Pet products, such as oils and dog treats, are made from hemp, not marijuana, so they do not contain even trace amounts of THC. We obtain phytonutrients from hemp using CO2 extraction

and purified for optimal quality and medical benefits. This is a good reason to double check and make sure you are using a product intended for animals.

What effect do phytocannabinoids have on a puppy?

The effects on puppies are essentially the same as on adult dogs. Helps deal with pain, inflammation and stress. It also improves the quality of life for puppies with chronic diseases and inherent medical problems.

Possible side effects

However, it is worth mentioning that, as with any supplement, in rare cases some puppies may experience side effects after their first supplementation. Fortunately, they are mild and transient and include problems such as:

  • Dry mouth

Phytocannabinoids can reduce saliva production. Your puppy will likely increase his lip licking or water intake to combat the unusual dry mouth sensation. Increased thirst results in increased frequency of urination. Just make sure your puppy has constant access to fresh and clean drinking water.

  • Lowered blood pressure

Phytocannabinoids can cause a sudden and temporary drop in blood pressure, which usually manifests itself as dizziness and increased drowsiness. If your puppy feels sleepy after taking the supplement, let him sleep off the effects. When the puppy gets up, he will be as good as new.

  • Diarrhea

As mentioned, puppies have sensitive stomachs and are prone to digestive upsets when they eat new foods. Practicing introducing the supplement slowly is a good way to prevent diarrhea. It is also helpful to give it during or after a meal rather than on an empty stomach.

  • Inhibited liver enzymes

Phytocannabinoids change the production of liver enzymes, which can affect the way some drugs are metabolized in the liver (this is especially true for seizure medications). Before supplementation, be sure to consult your veterinarian.

When should you give your puppy phytonutrients?

Based on existing formal research and anecdotal evidence from dog owners, active phyto supplements can help dogs with a variety of health problems, chronic conditions, and behavioral issues. Below are some situations specific to puppies that may benefit from regular phytonutrient supplementation:

  • Painful teething

In this scenario, phytocannabinoids can help with two things: inflammation and pain. Namely, due to their anti-inflammatory properties, CBD and CBG reduce inflammation of the gums. CBD is also great for pain therapy because it reduces the sensation of pain. Relieving chronic pain will improve your puppy's mood, promote better behavior, and prevent destructive chewing.

  • Immunity 

Puppies have an underdeveloped immune system. Phyto ingredients strengthen immunity by supporting intestinal health, increasing the effectiveness of immune cells and exhibiting antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This immunomodulatory profile gives puppies a healthy start in life.

  • Anxiety and hyperactivity

CBD increases calmness and relaxation, helping puppies prone to separation anxiety, stress and hyper behavior. CBD balances mood and helps with noise-induced stress as well as stress-related aggressiveness. It also increases total sleep time and improves its quality, which is essential for the healthy development process of a growing animal.

  • Allergies

Phyto ingredients can inhibit the release of histamine, thus playing an important role in allergy prevention. Described as a therapeutic possibility and a new possibility in skin health and diseases, CBD may help with contact allergies, atopic dermatitis and food allergies. Allergies are a chronic condition and are common in puppies.

  • Seizures

Clinical trials at Colorado State University describe phytocannabinoids as a promising antiepileptic drug (already used widely in humans - Epidiolex) that balances a dog's nervous system and may reduce the intensity and frequency of seizures. It may also enhance the effects of conventional antiepileptic drugs.

As you can see, there are many reasons to supplement phytonutrients with puppies. Phytocannabinoids support various health problems, and the best thing about them is their safety profile, which virtually eliminates the possibility of overdose.

When not to give your puppy phytocannabinoids?

Just because phyto ingredients are safe for puppies, it doesn't mean we always feed them. Namely, there are three situations in which you should not give your puppy:

  • When administering certain prescription medications.

It has been shown that phytocannabinoids can influence the production of liver enzymes, thereby enhancing or inhibiting the effects of certain drugs. Therefore, if your puppy is taking prescription medications, you must speak to a trusted veterinarian before supplementing.

  • When there is a non-medical solution to the problem

Namely, if there is an underlying behavioral problem, such as anxiety or aggression, the first choice of treatment should be appropriate training or behavior modification. If this doesn't work, you can take the problem to the next level and implement phytonutrient supplementation.

  • When there is no preparation intended for pets available

Products with broad-spectrum, human-friendly phyto ingredients are not necessarily safe for animals because they contain THC and potentially other harmful ingredients (e.g. xylitol). Therefore, you should not give your dog products made for humans. If you don't have a veterinary product with phytonutrients, it's best not to give it to your pet.

Finally, we would like to point out that finding the right amount of phytonutrients for your new puppy requires a trial and error phase, as some puppies are more sensitive than others. Depending on what the situation requires, we suggest starting supplementation a few days before the event. Phytocannabinoids work best when administered regularly rather than ad hoc. Therefore, when planning the use of phytocannabinoids for a specific event, start using them in advance.

For example, imagine that your new puppy exhibits restless behavior while driving and you have a vet visit scheduled next week. In such cases, you should start giving the supplement to your pet sooner. This way you will have time to experiment and find the right dose that will calm your dog's nerves and ensure a good time while riding.

Good luck! Having a dog is a great adventure.


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