Krill Oil

To effectively maintain our body functions and keep our cells and body in balance, we need a continuous supply of nutrients. While in disease conditions it is also important to address fluctuations in these nutrients caused by inflammation that weakens the body. Hence the interest and increasing evidence surrounding krill oil as an important nutrient based on its main ingredients:  

  • Long chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA/DHA)
  • Phospholipids, specifically their choline through phosphatidylcholine - a component of lecithin

Krill oil is unique because it is a combination of naturally occurring nutrients. When ingested, it delivers EPA/DHA, phospholipids and choline to the body where they act individually and in combination: 

  1. as essential components in cell structure and function,  
  2. to help balance body functions,  
  3. in deficiencies caused by health conditions related to the heart, brain, inflammation, decreased immunity, liver, etc.  

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most recognizable and researched compounds, on which over 20,000 scientific articles have been published. Studies have shown that when omega-3 fatty acids are consumed from marine sources such as fish and krill, they become incorporated into cells, affecting their structure and function. Unlike fish oil, krill oil not only provides EPA and DHA, but also phospholipids to cells, where they influence the reconstruction of their structure, fluidity and their functions. As a result, they not only influence cholesterol metabolism, but can build intracellular pathways and mechanisms, leading to significant health benefits.

Dr. Lena Burri  

Aker BioMarine Antarctic AS Oslo, Norway

Krill Oil can be found in:

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